Washington Redskins cornerback Josh Norman fulfilled a dream by taking part in the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, this week.
Video shows Norman leaping over a bull inside a bullring during the event.
Afterward, Norman posted videos on his Instagram stories, saying a number of times that the experience was “crazy.”
“I had to face the bull straight on,” he said. “It was fun. It was worth it. It was really worth it.”
Norman also tweeted a photo from the bullring.
A Single Picture can say a Thousand words in 1! with that being said, This picture does that number NO JUSTICE. I would start with 💯THOUSAND!!!! as the basement floor! & Elevate from there. 🇪🇸 #Feedingthespiritthatliesinthedepths#OneoftheGreatestdayeverinmylifetime pic.twitter.com/d67pnSU4R1
— *Joshua R. Norman (@J_No24) July 10, 2019
In 2016, Norman, then with the Carolina Panthers, told WCCB in Charlotte, North Carolina, that running with the bulls was on his list of possible offseason activities.
Five people have been gored during this year’s bull runs, which began Sunday. The nine-day San Fermin fiesta attracts party-goers and bull aficionados from around the world.