The 2019 edition of the IPL will take place entirely in India, and will start on March 23, the BCCI said on Tuesday. The venue had been the subject of speculation given that the dates clash with the general elections, which are expected to take place in April-May. However, a BCCI release said the date and venue had been decided on by the Committee of Administrators after discussions with federal and state officials.
ESPNcricinfo understands that the information has been passed on to, and received by, the franchises.
In a press release the BCCI said that decision to conduct the tournament in India was “based on the preliminary discussions with the appropriate central and state agencies / authorities”. A detailed schedule, the BCCI said, “will be finalised in consultation with the appropriate authorities”, after which the Committee of Administrators will have a “detailed discussion” with all the stakeholders.
More to follow.
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